

Win a Pub in Ireland

Sooooooo… Where to begin as there are a number of people on the internet who say they came up with this idea. They didn’t.

This is the one of the first large scale programs I ever came up with.. Well, me and my copywriting partner Pat. We were tasked to originally come up with a national engagement program for Bass Ale in the United States.

For presentations we used to have an “ice breaker” idea that we would show to clients that would be irreverent and funny to make everyone laugh, relax, and get their attention. As the laughter subsided, we would get to the “real” ideas.

When concepting the ice breaker, we were bouncing ideas back and forth, “let’s give away a pint glass, let's give away a bar stool, lets give away an ‘official spot’ at the bar” (like Norm on Cheers), then we both said at the same time,


The brand manager loved it — we never even presented the other ideas. But there was a catch. Instead of giving away a pub in England for Bass Ale, he wanted to relaunch Guinness in the U.S. and have someone win a pub in Ireland.

And now you know the real story of the “Win Your Own Pub in Ireland” contest.


Mars Incorporated

My very first national advertising campaign was a total accident.

One day while having lunch with the client, we were discussing the creative direction for national DoveBar experiential engagements where consumers get a free “naked” bar sample and get to actually dip the bar in melted Dove chocolate.

While everyone was eating, I sketched what I thought the header card should look like in my notebook. The brand director loved the sketch and we photographed the sensuously delicious image that you see on the left.

Mars corporate loved the image so much it became a national print ad — all thanks to a quick sketch during lunch.

Green Seats | “Row H”


The Idea that never happened.

We all have those ideas that are great in theory, but just don’t get implemented due to timing or budget. This is one of them.

Instead of a limited time tie-in partnership with a rock band or solo artist, I created an idea that would allow Heineken to own a row of exclusive seats at entertainment venues and sports arenas across the country.

Called “Green Seats” or “Row H”— this would provide consumers with not only the best seats in the house, but give Heineken unheard of branding in the form of an entire row of seats with the iconic red star on each one.

This would be simultaneously activated in every venue that Heineken has “pouring rights” across the country.

M&M Mars

Shrek Sized M&M’s

Funny story.

While taking a tour of the Mars M&M’s plant in Hackettstown, New Jersey, the R&D director showed us how M&M’s were made. At the end of the production line there was a tub filled with weird looking M&M’s. I asked what that was and the reply was, “those are the abnormal ones that are tossed away, pulverized, and used as confectionery filler.

After seeing how cool they looked all weird and bumpy, I asked, “Can you do that on purpose?” The R&D guy laughed and said “Why would you ever want to do that?”

Fast forward a few years later.

While concepting ideas for M&M’s tie-in partnership with Shrek, I suggested we should make big “ugly” M&M’s in colors that reflect Shrek. I told them the story above and the brand manager made it happen. Ogre-sized M&M’s in Shrek “Swamp” colors was born.

Sometimes the best ideas are ones that others toss away.

